
2013年8月23日—Step3:LogintoyourController...AccessthesystemrunningUniFiControllerandyoushouldseeapendingadoptioninyourAccessPointslist.,WhenyoumakechangestotheAPconfigurationithastore-sync/re-loadtheconfigurationfile-thisiscommonacrossalotofAPsalthoughmaybeyoudon't' ...,Myhomenetworkhasbeenrunningforweekswithoutissue.TodayoneofmyAP'swentintoProvisioningstateandhasstayedthereforoveranhour.,Hell...

How to Provision a UniFi AP after a Controller Crash

2013年8月23日 — Step 3: Log into your Controller ... Access the system running UniFi Controller and you should see a pending adoption in your Access Points list.

Why provisioning?

When you make changes to the AP configuration it has to re-sync/re-load the configuration file - this is common across a lot of APs although maybe you don't ' ...

AP stuck in provisioning mode

My home network has been running for weeks without issue. Today one of my AP's went into Provisioning state and has stayed there for over an hour.

Unifi stay in Provisioning mode

Hellow. I install some unifi AP and connect all of them to unifi-controller. All works great, until suddenly one of AP change his status from Connected to ...

What is “provision” option?

The provision function offers you the possibility to reinstall a device (e.g. Accespoint) with the options set in the Unifi Controller. For example, if you ...

UniFi AP

You can use it to provision a UniFi AP for basic functionality without configuring a UniFi Controller. It also allows seamless provisioning of APs for ...

UniFi Identity Enterprise

UniFi Identity Enterprise - Configure AD/LDAP Provisioning and Integration Settings · Click Directory Integration. · In the Directory field, select a directory.


2023年10月23日 — Learn how to automatically provision and de-provision user accounts from Microsoft Entra ID to UNIFI.

Provisioning for Unifi

This article describes how to configure OneLogin to provision users to Unifi. You perform the entire setup in OneLogin.

Force provision?

2023年3月11日 — I was wondering if they put something in that periodically changes if the file changed. I did see a message about it failing to apply.